Below are some Valentines I made to drop in the anonymous envelopes of love made by my second grade class. Feel free to print them out and give to someone you love...or want to break up with.
euntions (plural noun): supplies for the upkeep of eunuchs. "If you forget to buy Fun-Size Snickers and other euntions, Kassim will not have the energy to guard the harem doors.
I have been grinding away at the same thing for twenty years and now the plan I thought I had a firm grip on just fell into an open sewer. Damn. That was my only copy, too.
euntions (plural noun): supplies for the upkeep of eunuchs. "If you forget to buy Fun-Size Snickers and other euntions, Kassim will not have the energy to guard the harem doors.
Those are incredible!
Best use of cartoon butterflies, ever.
sesseemi |ses•’see•me| n. command used to open treasure filled caves in Missouri, Louisianna, Kansas and selected other states in the mid-1800's.
I love the bloody bag. Christ, you are dark...
bu-lar (n) - a midget stripper.
So horribly awesome.
inarbut -- heh heh
Love the dead canary.
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