Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Song for a Crappy Tuesday (Connective Tissue Edition)

Quick. Quick.

Your power chord was hidden. You know who did it.

Mid-July Tuesday told you repeatedly that if you left it out again, and he tripped over it, that you'd be sorry.

Now you are. Your computer is about to die. Save your work and kiss your Facebook page goodbye as it recedes into oblivion.

(God, but how will the world know you exist?)

On my birthday, I posted a groovy version of Richard Strauss' Also Sprach Zarathustra, which was based on Nietzsche's work of the same name. This tone poem was used in Stanley Kubrick's iconic 2001: A Space Odyssey. The whirlpool of Call and Response Existential Wonderment burped out Deodato's cover in 1973.

And nowhere in Nietzsche's mind could he predict that his seminal work on morality would serve as a component in a cinematic treatise on man's responsibility during the era of lightening technological advance.

Or early 70's vibro-jazz.

It is not uncommon for artists to find inspiration in the works of philosophers, politicians or other artists. In the same way that children resemble their parents, art and music will likely resemble its own parents of Culture. And, like our offspring, it is impossible to foresee what shape that influence will take.

Ian Curtis, the desolate lead singer of the British band Joy Division, could never have envisaged the tide of irony that would come to surround the much covered "Love Will Tear Us Apart" (from the posthumously released album Closer - it has been released several times, I believe) from 1979.

In 2007, 27 years after Curtis took his own life by hanging, the Wombats released "Let's Dance to Joy Division", and gleeful and sardonic reflection on the pogo-ing singer's most desperate song.

Joy Division's butterfly wings flapped. Would the Wombats exist without the flutter?

1 comment:

S. E. Johnson said...

Thank the Divine you're back, along w/ your terrific taste in music.

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